Strategic objectives

General Strategic objectives of Community Service and Environmental Development Department:

  • Preparing and implementing the strategic plan of the sector at the Faculty.
  • Reshaping the organizational structure of the sector at the Faculty.
  • Working on increasing the community parties' satisfaction in the activities of the Faculty
  • Working on participating the community parties in the activities of the Faculty
  • Cooperation between the community parties and the Faculty to train and qualify the students, especially in the final year, on the skills which are not lectured at the Faculty and required by the labor market
  • Involving the community parties in supporting the Faculty morally and financially
  • Activating and encouraging the Public Service Center Units at the Faculty to participate in the financial and technical support
  • Marketing ideas of the Public Service Center to develop self-resources and working on participating in production and development
  • Participating in solving the social and environmental problems in different disciplines
  • Publishing environmental awareness in different disciplines of the Faculty
  • Developing the Faculty resources through the social services
  • Activating the role of the Crises and Disasters Management Unit at the Faculty to be able to deal with crises that might face the Faculty.