Department of Home Economics

General Objectives of the Home Economics Program

1- Understanding the philosophy of home economics and its fields.
2- Utilizing the knowledge and skills of nutrition and food science.
3 – Providing the basic knowledge and skills of science related to specialization.
4- Providing the basic knowledge and skills of of clothing and textile.
5- Participation in the development of small productive projects.
6- Good use of education technology and modern means of communication.
7- Awareness of the ethics of the profession and continuous development.
8- Activating the role of home economics in the development of the school.
9- Participation in community activities.
10 - Activating the role of students in the processes of teaching and learning.
11- Utilization of environmental raw materials and residues of fabrics and food to make useful products.
12 - Activating the cooperative relationship between the school and the community.
13- Self-learning and continuing to develop professional performance.
14- Utilization of evaluation results in improving performance.
15- Teamwork.
16. Competitiveness in the labor market.
17- Familiarity with the basics and rules of family economics and rationalization of consumption.
18. Awareness of basic concepts related to family relations.
19-. Diversity in teaching strategies used to serve educational objectives.
20. Providing an active and positive learning environment